Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I was showering this morning and made a horrific discovery.

My pinky toes are incredibly small compared to my other toes.

I feel like I can't even walk anymore because of how tiny they are compared to my other toes.  Then, my other toes are horribly disfigured and bend naturally.  I've told my mom and all she has to say is "I always bought you new shoes when you said your toes were crammed.. I even made sure your shoes fit properly."  Well mom, I guess your attention to detail is faltered because my toes are bent and my pinky toes are too short for any use in the real world.  This makes me come to the conclusion...

I have ugly toes.

No matter how many different colors I paint them they will still remain as ugly as ever.  Even if I give them a nice foot bath with bath salts and marbles and warm water, nothing.  If they had a hot-or-not for toes, mine would be in last place.

On the bright side, however, it is winter and in winter you wear socks so your feet and toes do not get cold.  I have approximately .... 3 or 4 months to get cute toes.  This is more important than bikini season preparation.  You can always lose weight..but can you really cute-ify your toes?  ... I JUST REALIZED I CAN'T MAKE MY TOES CUTER.

I guess I need to start a fund to find the cure for disfigured, ugly toes.

If any one has any suggestions, such as selling cupcakes or something, let me know.  I only have 3 months until warm weather starts maybe appearing in Michigan.