Sunday, December 12, 2010

Finals and Bdubs

I actually wrote this post last Wednesday (December 8th) but I haven't had time to post it until now..when I actually should be studying Econ.. but I figured, well you guys needed something to read before buckling down and getting your soul eaten by final exams.

This whole “college thing” is eating my life.  I’ve been studying all the time for what seems like an eternity, but really that means since this past Sunday.   I’ll be done next weds, however. I am so excited. 
Mainly because I am extremely tired and all that I want to do right now is draw pretty pictures…

and eat bacon cheeseburgers.

But as for tonight I have to study my butt off, but before that...I’m going to Bdubs.

Buffalo Wild Wings for those of you who are not remotely cool enough to understand short abbrevs from words (that means abbreviations). Is the best restaurant ever.  Is it overrated?  Yes, but I am in love with the Mango Habanero hot sauce on their boneless chicken wings.  It is like a sweet but uber spicy to the point of pain (and numbing lips) type of sauce that completely arouses the senses.  I get excited just thinking about eating them.  I would marry that sauce, I wouldn’t be able to kiss it, but it’d be tasty sweet wedlock.
My friend, Anna, has not been to a Bdubs. EVER. After hearing this distressing news I decided to write a contract in order to prove that we must go.  Our friend, Ashley, is coming too, because we are all pretty awesome and do not want to lose awesomeness by not going (as said by the contract).  Ashley and I have taken it as our duty to induct Anna (or take away her Bdubs virginity; either or) into the awesome world which is Buffalo Wild Wings.

Ashley and I have prepared for this very night by purchasing a specific silly bandz collection, two actually.  I, in all seriousness, loathe silly bandz.  I just cannot stand them, but, these silly bandz are the best I’ve ever seen and therefore I must purchase them and wear them with my friends.

The silly bandz that were purchased were sex position collection and penis collection.  Yup, I am highly immature and think they are the greatest thing on Earth.  Yup, penises are hilarious.  Sex positions are hilarious too.  I now am lucky enough to obtain 6 penis related silly bandz and 6 sex position silly bandz on my wrist as I type.  Basically… you should be jealous.

The plan is:  we go study, go to Bdubs, and then wear our new naughty silly bandz proudly and giggle secretly by feeling bad ass and like a rebel.
All the while eating Mango Habanero boneless wings.

Why can’t everyday be like today?

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