Monday, February 21, 2011


Cookies are pretty much amazing.  They are small servings of a dessert in a compact and portable fashion.  Their convenience is only part of their luxury.  How many times have you grabbed a cookie when you were heading out of a room or your house?  If this were a class room, I expect everyone to be raising their hand.  Or no one to be, as it is a rhetorical question.  Either way, if you have never done this, you have not lived.

Eating cookies on the go is a favorite past time of mine.  Whether it be out the door or just to another location in the house.  Also, it is mandatory to put a cookie in your mouth and another cookie when you leave the kitchen.  It is the whole concept of "one for the road".  I guess, this can be seen as a simple-minded American being a fatty, but oh well.  I rather do enjoy eating cookies.

I love making cookies almost as much as eating them.  I love eating the batter, there's just something about the batter that is about ten times better than cake batter (it's not better than brownie batter, however, NOTHING beats that shit.. and by "shit" I mean it in the cool "that's the shit" kind of way, not the literal meaning...).  I think it is because it can be molded into a ball of pleasure for your taste buds and then it just gets all warm and gooey in your mouth.  If you would to have just read that previous line, I bet the last thing you thought about was cookie dough.

Anyways, I love making cookies.  I make these homemade oreos and let me tell you... ALL my friends refer to them as crack cookies (NOTE: they do not actually contain crack; just ecstasy. JUST KIDDING..but seriously...).  I personally call them "Sex cookies" because it's like an orgasm in your mouth.  They are seriously that good.  THAT AWESOME.  They are pretty much indescribable except for the guilty "sins of the flesh" that we all know to secretly love, but besides that they are my favorite cookies to bake.  You can use food coloring to dye the frosting and make them festive! For graduation I made purple and yellow icing (yes, my school colors were purple and about an obnoxious freshman yelling in your face....).  They are quite the hit everywhere I go.  They are pretty much the "IT" cookie.

Continuing with the high school example, I would use them as objects for bribery for my section in marching band (Alto Sax; represent!)  I would tell them that I would bake them cookies ONLY if they had they elbows parallel to the ground.

That is what I mean, because I know many other high schools did not have this type of position, but I preferred it because it makes you look.. snazzy and angular.  Anyways, it won over my section and they pretty much became my slaves.

Moral of the story?

Cookies=Social Win.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Valentine's Day

Considering I haven't written in an eternity.. what better way than to commemorate Valentine's Day.

A short history (details from wikipedia):

It happened during some time long ago during something-Chaucer's time.  It was a result of the open romantic courting affairs.  Such as sending flowers.

The end.

Yeah.. I just read maybe half a paragraph before I realized I did not want to actually read anything for fun.

Instead, let me explain my thoughts about this day.

Personally, I hate it.

First off, I see it as my dad's it is weird seeing every other person receive overly expensive gifts for "no good reason".

Second, you shouldn't need a set aside day to tell someone you love them.  Or buy them super, uber, overly expensive gifts.

Third, if this person truly loves you you wouldn't need to buy them anything. Or prove to them you love them which everyone takes this day for.

It's not that I'm saying love doesn't exist or anything; it is just over-rated how much hype this day gets.

I don't understand why people need to go out of their way to prove to someone they love them.  Just be yourself.  If the person doesn't love you back, they aren't meant to be with you and you can do better.

Whatever. People usually think I'm hateful and alone that's why I hate it. Really, that's not why. I have legitimate reasons.

Anyways.. short post. I'm sorry I haven't been procrastinating from my hw to write.. I've been procrastinating from this.

Can you forgive me?
I promise to do better.

Maybe something with pictures.