Monday, March 28, 2011


I was watching a youtube video the other day about how to "Trick People Into Thinking You're Good Looking" (by JennaMarbles, definitely check it out!) and laughed my butt off.  One thing she mentioned is that you need to become really, tan and you look better looking.

Ever since then I've been debating about doing something to my appearance.

Whether it be dying my hair or tanning or a tattoo, I do not know yet.  Whatever is cheapest is what I will probably do.  Which would be dying my hair, but I want my hair to be this color for a friends wedding so I guess the next option is tanning.


I can feel my skin cells cry in agony over the super efficient amounts of Vitamin D they are getting with the horrifying effects of burning.  It's what happens when you are part ginger kid.  The bright side is I get more freckles when I get "tanner" (which is really just me being less albino).  I like freckles, they are all like "weee I'm fun little spots of color that would be normal skin pigmentation but I decided to be sporadic and be everywhere!!!"  Yup, thats how it's like.

Anyways, I decided upon tanning.  I'm kinda poor so I am debating against a professional tanning salon where I can get the aforementioned burning, or self-tanners that are like lotions/sprays that get everywhere whenever I touch something.

I have decided to try these sprays and lotions out.

I am nervous and excited.  I don't wanna be orange, or noticeably darker, just.. not albino.

Like, I mean, albino is cool in the winter because you can use it as camouflage and be like "I am one with the snow" but it is all sunny now, and I like playing tag at night and when you glow in the dark because you're albino, you kinda lose.  I am not a fan of losing.

The next choice is either lotion or sprays. I figure I will probably go to Meijer and decide (and buy more coffee, because I'm not getting work done with out it) and read every bottle they have and base my decision of price, and fastness. Even though those are the worst ways, EVER, to make decisions.

Let this be known, I am trying to save my skin cells right now, they should thank me. Plus I'm just a cheap bitch.

I will let you know how my adventures with the self-tanner goes. As long as I don't turn into a pseudo-oompa loompa I am totally fine with it.

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