Monday, October 25, 2010

This Is Nifty.

This one time I decided to start a blog.
This one time I accomplished this decision.

I decided to actually make one of these when I realized I wasn't accomplishing my studying abilities.
Reading about the vision system is too thrilling to even comprehend.


We shall see if I am any decent at this and if people actually find me amusing, I might win a little bit inside. Okay, that's a lie, I would win a lot.

Do you know what I hate?

Pink/purple/red drinks.

Whenever you drink one of them (and they are ALWAYS the most delicious) you always MANAGE to spill some. Even if you do not recall spilling it, you did. You always do. It's an unspoken rule of the pink/purple/red drinks.

They seduce you with their tasty-ness and utterly sexy color (because, when I think of red I think of porn, it's the lipstick) you can not not drink them!  The ever cascading juice/drink that enters your mouth and fills your taste buds with that sweet tangy yet delicate flavor of epic proportions is inescapable and undeniable.

Anyways, you spill it on your white object. It would be more convenient to spill on a white fluffy dog, like a bichon frise, because maybe it would absorb it and turn pink and therefore prove to be a much superior dog than the white kind. SO you spill it, sometimes on your shirt, the carpet, shoes, pants, anything else that is white. You have to clean it IMMEDIATELY.

You proceed to find a stain remover.

You spray the shit out of the that stain, and hope its over.

You forget the stain remover is still doing its duty, until you smell it and wonder what that smell is.

Realizing what the smell is you get a paper towel and try to absorb the mess, but manage to make it all foamy and it spreads EVERYWHERE.  It's like the Huns invading, you don't know whats going on and then BAM! Your territory is taken.

After a few minutes of trying to stop the Huns beating down your great wall, you manage to make it look orderly and tidy and go on to drinking your pink/red/purple drink.

Until the cycle happens again.

I don't really know how to end this. So here's a picture.

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