Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Toaster Ovens= Adult Easy Bake Ovens

When I was a kid I was OBSESSED with my easy bake oven.

I wanted a small individual cake.  What I got, was a cake that actually isn't fully baked and resembles more of a gelatinous mound of cake batter and would probably be better if I just ingested the cake batter, but baking in a mini white/purple/pink oven is way awesomer than eating cake batter by it self.

I remember begging my mom to buy me more cake mixes so I can use my oven and bake treats like she did.  She would always seem wary at first, but my expert bargaining of trading my ability to execute manual labor and "I love you mommy!"'s always seem to win her over.

My mother would buy the mixes, and I would be over joyed with being able to FINALLY produce the most amazing baked goods. Ever.

The only problem was I was horrible at adding the right amount of liquids to the mixes. I would always add too much water, which causes the cake to be gross and not actually form a light, fluffy cake, but rather the gelatinous mound of cake batter as I have mentioned earlier.  I would then proceed to be upset with the fact that I could no longer have the chance to experience the "better" flavor of cake mixes.  Which really means, I fucked up the chocolate mix and vanilla is gross.

One time my mother even had the bright idea of putting the little tin of gelatinous mound of cake batter into the adult oven to cook it.  Nothing happened.  Not even the adult oven could fix my over use of liquids in this instance.  I was doomed to fail at baking...or was I!?

After the initial shock of failing at using my easy bake oven, I got over it and started making actual food with the adult oven.  Such as spaghetti, pork chops, and even the occasional omelette (now I'm just showing off).

But since I've started college, I've grown accustomed to using my toaster oven.

You just plug it in, put your bread on the rack, pizza rolls on a tray in the toaster oven...the possibilities are endless.  You can even make GRILLED CHEESE. With grille marks.  It is like a euphoric experience baking with a toaster oven.  All the different ways to make food because you are too lazy to operate a real oven.  Conceivably, you could probably bake little cupcakes in there, or even result in using the old easy bake oven tins. Maybe.

I can't even comprehend how many items you can cook in a toaster oven.  It is almost like a game; "What exotic food shall I cook in the toaster oven today?" (exotic meaning something similar to hot dogs).  I haven't actually tried that, they might explode, but I feel like it could be a winner.  Winning is always an option.

That is why a toaster oven equals an adult easy bake oven.  


  1. Totally agree! Maybe you can post toaster oven recipes! ; )

  2. That's a really great idea actually..haha, maybe in the future ;)
