Sunday, October 31, 2010



Halloween is the time of year where everyone who is anyone dresses up in ridiculous outfits and girls try to out-slut one another.

I, on the other hand, just want to wear something ridiculously awesome and makes me feel cool.  And maybe a little bit slutty.

Every year I feel like I have *the best* costume ideas....

Such as Lady Gaga

A Sailor Scout (Not Sailor Moon, per se, but one of the lesser known girls. Such as Sailor Venus or Sailor Mars)

A Zombie Prom Queen

And more recently a Nudist on Strike

I think of all these costumes and feel like my head is spinning with awesome ideas that need to be unleashed to the world and let them gaze upon my splendor and utter creativity...but that never happens.  I end up having to wait until the last minute to even know if I can go celebrate Halloween.  Usually I end up working on Halloween night (well, ....the ones with fun-times).  I also manage to want something that costs an extreme amount of money, so I have become fairly frugal in the last couple of years.  Why shell out half your life savings and your first born for a costume you'll only wear once a year?

With those thoughts twirling around in  my mind, it is how instead of a Nudist on Strike I became Barbie this year.

After hearing everyone's totally rad outfit, or super slutty/sexy one, I decided (very last minute, such as, 2 hours before a fun-time event) to become Barbie.

I destroyed my room in search of everything and anything that is hot pink and hooker heels.

I actually managed to pull it off, and yet again, I did not spend more than 5 dollars on a Halloween costume.
A friend and the Roommate.

One year I will fulfill my dreams of being something ridiculously awesome, and slutty.  Maybe next year I can dress up as a person from The Rocky Horror Picture Show.  It will result in sheer awesomeness and total slut-ness.  No girl will be slutty than I, unless they are naked...or in a bra and underwear.

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