Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wisdom Teeth Are An OxyMORON

My wisdom tooth is coming in in my left lower jaw. My whole jaw feels like its being shoved around like in a cage-fight wrestling match; minus the spandex.

It's been trying to protrude since Sunday or Saturday.  It has partially succeeded and caused a flap of skin to be all flappy and all having a party with food particles to produce infections.  I have major inflammation, and feelings of death and frustration. I probably have an infection and now my throat is going to swell up, I won't be able to breathe, and then I'll die a death from a stupid tooth which does not do any purpose in having.

Seriously, what are the purpose of wisdom teeth? People say they protrude when it's the age of acquired wisdom.  Basically, I am now just attaining my wisdom.  Only 1/4th of my smartness has been accomplished.

I'm not fit to go to school.

Stupid teeth.

Did you know they can grow in: angular, horizontal, vertical, and partial protrusion?

WHY IS IT ALL DIFFERENT?!  Shouldn't there be consistency with the fact that teeth grow OUT of the gums?!  Why are they all ramming up into my other teeth? Or playing peek-a-boo?


I've taken a lot of ibuprofen today.  Probably 12 or 13 pills.  My stomach is going to die now too.  I'm a well-rounded machine of impending death.

At least I can partially numb the pain with Burt's Bee's chap stick, or even my kinky lip balm from Pure Romance.  After a while though, you look like a horny, pervert when you pull out a giant container of kinky lip/nipple balm out of your jacket pocket and start putting it near the back of your throat.  If that didn't hint to what I was thinking of.. I pity your mind.

Maybe you aren't wise like I am partially becoming.

Wise in the sense that, THESE TEETH DON'T MAKE SENSE.

Think about it; the moment they start coming in, they usually are coming in wrong and they have to be removed.  They are like a lame-greeting card holiday, like Sweetest Day.  It is just another excuse for the dentist/oral surgeon to make a good bunch of money.

Also, it's not like you can brush them properly if they do manage to come in correctly.  Your brush will most definitely cause you to choke trying to clean the stupidity that is your wisdom teeth.

Finally, WHY SHOULD SOMETHING COME IN HORIZONTAL AT YOUR OTHER TEETH.  I am seriously having an issue with this little fact.  I can't comprehend how this is the best evolution could do for our mouths.  Teeth that cause pain, and death if not removed.  I wondered how our ancestors dealt with these teeth.  Did they just let their teeth rot out?  Or did they pull them out like wild beasts and use them as weapons?  I really hope the later, because that is way cooler (and less messy) then letting them rot.

All of these reasons and more are why Wisdom Teeth are an oxyMORON.  They are definitely the opposite of "wise" and at all costs they are MORONIC.

Don't get them.


I spelled "inflammation" wrong in my first picture...but my teeth hurt too bad and I'm really tired, so I won't fix it.

Just so you know I know that I can't spell this late at night (I know, it is only 11:30.. I am an old lady and like to go to bed early...).

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